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Showing posts from June, 2019


Not scared to slip, Nor afraid to fall. Not scared to swim, Nor afraid to drown. Scared of being the only one falling, Better still being alone when I drown. Afraid I wouldn't find anyone to ease the pressure of drowning, Or provide a relief from my fall. Frightened I wouldn't meet anyone at the bottom of the sea, But would meet someone who's falling endlessly for another. This is my plight, My outmost grief.

The Longing Flesh

I hate traveling!!! My everyday journey from igando to ogba is so discomforting and irregular that sometimes, I wish I could just sleep, then teleport myself to ogba in few seconds. Yeah, yeah... I know what y'all are thinking. I'm Lazy right? It's a free world, I don't take things personal. Just don't forget to remember, that God gave us all brains, and we shouldn't waste it analysing people's lives stupidly. But I've come to discover, that there is a root of Lazy self-interest in us all that is at odds with a hard-working spirit, just as the hardworking spirit is incompatible with our lazy-self. Our lazy-self,  just wants to be stuck in bed all day not doing a thing, and then, our hardworking spirit, sees the need to "hustle​", cos it assumes idle moments are a waste of time. So sometimes, we go extra miles​ to get things done or work extra shifts to attain set goals.  But then again, there are days we j...


Expressions hit faster than words, And words ruin just in time as bullets. Attention costs much more than rubies, And pain flows easily than tears. A broken spirit hurts more than a broken bone, As a dead conscience kills slowly....unlike a dead heart. Fear in the heart of man prevents him from interacting, But grief permits him to vent.. We all need that one main standby friend, Why can't that friend be you?

From Desperation to Devotion

"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth - Colossians 3:2 " Things, things, things! A better job, a neater apartment, new clothes, tomorrow's luncheon date, a more comfortable life, financial stability, an assured future. Get the picture?  Many of us have learned to believe God to prosper us to such a degree that we have too much to keep up with. We end up spending so  much time and energy taking care of the legitimate "things" of life that we unconsciously give the attention and affections of our heart over to this natural world instead of to God.  Just one month of undergoing siwes (Industrial Training), and I have an insight into what the economic life of a working class citizen looks like. I mean, the emotional and financial pressure they are all subjected to, isn't worth it. When most of us first heard about living by  faith, we were in desperate circumstances. Some of us sick, and many broke. So it was  eas...

Sleeping Beauty

Rainy days are messy days. One has to be careful not to dress too classy, at the same time too inelegant. The toll of bus drivers and the mess they make on the road could be frustrating for people trekking. But I love the weather that accompanies the rain; weather for SLEEP!!!. Well, people never consider sleeping as a hobby but in my case, it's not just a hobby, it's a gift. Scientists claim sleeping too much could be a symptom of depression. But eskis me sir, I am certainly not depressed, I just want to sleep  (doesn't mean I sleep walk/talk ). What's with African parents addressing children who love the company of sleep "Lazy"?. Must I be Lazy to be a sound sleeper? Can't​ someone's child at least have 12 hours of sound sleep outside work or school? And even if I am Lazy, (let's assume it's true ) how does that affect your mental and emotional health?? Does my sleep affect the rate at which y...