Things, things, things!
A better job, a neater apartment, new clothes, tomorrow's luncheon date, a more comfortable life, financial stability, an assured future. Get the picture?
Many of us have learned to believe God to prosper us to such a degree that we have too much to keep up with. We end up spending so much time and energy taking care of the legitimate "things" of life that we unconsciously give the attention and affections of our heart over to this natural world instead of to God.
Just one month of undergoing siwes (Industrial Training), and I have an insight into what the economic life of a working class citizen looks like. I mean, the emotional and financial pressure they are all subjected to, isn't worth it.
When most of us first heard about living by faith, we were in desperate circumstances. Some of us sick, and many broke. So it was easy for us to dedicate ourselves to prayer and to the Word. But we've all forgotten, that as we honored God's Word, He honored and prospered us.
We came to the place where we were no longer desperate, then came the real test of our faith.
Would we serve God out of our love for Him instead of our desperation?
Would we ignore the pressures of meeting up to the society's standard by simply enjoying God's slow but effective process of building and equipping us?
It takes a lot more dedication to serve God when we're comfortable than it takes when we're desperate. There's a constant temptation to get so caught up in the earthly things that your desire for the things of God fades into the background gradually.
I must confess, I am a victim of this very post. I mean, realising how incompetent you are in a world full of unhealthy competitions, can be so overwhelming.
The aspect of we trying to improve, feel independent, have a sense of judgement and reliance on personal hardwork, usually brings with it this unsatisfied guilt, anxiety, anger and desperation for more fulfillments. Don't get me wrong, it isn't wrong to strive for personal Improvement. But it shouldn't be done beyond the walls of the word.
Don't let the things of this world cause you to miss out on the glorious things of the Spirit. Get your priorities in line with God's Word. Set your mind on things above, that peace may rule your mind and you'll discover just how heavenly life was really meant to be.
Too long a post right?!!!!
Too long a time you've spent chasing standards.
Get back into chasing the word!!! ❤
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