I got to my busstop quite early today, it wasn't so stressful a day, but I felt the need to have something gushed down my throat.
It was smoov!!
I hadn't had it in days, if not weeks.
I hadn't had it in days, if not weeks.
I suddenly began to behave like an addict battling withdrawal symptoms.
I tried consoling myself with the fact that I'd get to drink enough water on getting home but that still couldn't make up for the fact that Chapman was all I wanted.
So the search began!
I searched everywhere for this drink but I couldn't find.
Each seller kept saying "the drink no dey move for market".
Each seller kept saying "the drink no dey move for market".
But still, I refused to give up the desire for the drink...until finally, I found it where I never expected I would have.
I rushed it like a pilgrim who had prolly just returned from a sahara journey.
I felt refreshed and my nerves calmed down a bit. Then suddenly, the scripture that says "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart" popped up in my head.
Apparently, I found that smoov, cos I was searching with all of my heart.
My mind was fixed on nothing more than getting it, and satisfying my thirst.
My mind was fixed on nothing more than getting it, and satisfying my thirst.
It's the same with Christ.
The truth is we won't really find him (asin His indepth nature), if we don't search with the whole of our beings. That is to say... If we're not searching with the mindset that we have no other substitute or temporary replacement, he'll be open to us, and pour out all of himself into us.
Be a Christ addict, search and seek him out like you've got no other job doing.
Give him this "I die there" attitude.
The Bible says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
In conclusion babies, seek, inquire for, and require the Lord while He may be found(claiming him by necessity and by right); and call upon Him while He is near.
Enjoy the weekend.
I love you all 珞❤
I love you all 珞❤
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