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Weird Beauty

Why are men so unfair?😭
When I say men, I mean men and women 🙄.

I have had to battle with self confidence in the last one week😭, Why? Cos of my new hairdo😞.

New hairdo? Yes.
It's my very first time fixing a coloured weavon, a brown weavon, which easily tells how artificial I look. Something I always try to avoid when considering hair extensions.

So why choose the hair in the first place?!🙄

Honestly, that question has a super story attached to it😂, but note, it wasn't an intentional decision. Nevertheless, my new hair experience has taught me a lot, and I feel​ I should share my concerns with you all😉.

The look I got from total strangers at various encounters got me nervous and highly intimidated. I began considering so many options such as the application of a black dye, which was obviously not realistic as it just might cause more harm than good.

The little murmurs, glares, laughs and ill treatments I received here and there did so much damage to my emotional health.

I just could tell that their surprised/disgusted looks😪 were stationed at me, as I sincerely have issues ignoring people's unhidden facial give away expressions.

In all this, I realised we all are always so quick at judging people based on their looks and not their real self worths (whether we are consciously aware of this state or not). I just might be guilty of that very last sentence, but then again, I think it's high time we all grow past that stage😏.

Yes, I understand if we all want to stand by the "dress the way you want to be addressed.." kinda talk, but most times a mere dress sense doesn't necessarily depict a person's real nature.

You never can really scratch the surface of a person's being if you've not had that personal interaction with them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying the fact that it's right to dress shabbily or outrageously indecent. All I'm saying is sometimes, we need to look beyond what our mere eyes can see and judge.

A lady's weird taste for fashion/beauty necessarily doesn't give her off as being promiscuous or spiritually loose. In as much as we all are affected by a general sense of cultural and moral beliefs, it's important we understand that not every two persons were raised up the same way.

As much as our culture frowns at some beauty patterns, our hearts must be opened to the beautiful personalities which lie beneath those patterns. And such personalities are to be accepted just for who they are despite how unruly/kindhearted they might later turn out to be.

Just if you look deeper, you'd realise that the hair extension, the makeover, or that ear piercing, actually looks good on that lady.

And yes, I'm fully aware the Bible admonishes moderation in all things. But do you think this excludes your daily judgemental decisions? Be moderate with them bruv. Appreciate the beauty in little yet controversial things.

Then again, what do I know?
I'm probably this little girl speaking from the hurt I felt and the silent treatments I received which I considered highly unnecessary.

Do have a nice day guys by ignoring my words😏.

But in actual fact, don't you ever try ignoring them 😠.

Ps: I now love my new look...😆😊


  1. 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️


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