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Believe, stop figuring it out!

Hey guys,
happy new month!!!🤗

Permit me to share a gist on an event​ that occurred about two years​ ago.

I'd wanted to share this for a very long time, but I just was too lazy to write it all out. Forgive me😭.

They say some stories should never be read on a blog. Maybe this is one, maybe it's really not relevant here. But whatever your judgement might be, this is my story and so therefore it's allowed to be published here😁.

Thanks for your cooperation😚.

In all sincerity, I believe we all should be able to learn a lesson from this my beautiful story, and even if we don't learn anything from it, we should sha enjoy the story 😚.

So as usual, on a thursday morning, I.. (no wait, lez not even lie. I can't remember if it was on a thursday morning😂).

But one day like that sha, I had exhausted my mobile data and I just kept believing that God was going to provide another subscription plan for me before the weekend, without me even asking him for one.

Well, to the glory of God, the week ended and there was still no data plan😂💔.

I honestly wonder how I was able to cope, considering the fact that as at that time; I mean 2 years ago, I couldn't stay a day without an active data plan on my phone.

Another week had gone, and there was still no show.

I became worried and furious. Why wasn't he gonna give me what I wanted? Did I really need to ask? Shey he said he knows my needs even before I ask?

Sha sha sha, I was angry with God, so I gave him an ultimatum (what a rude child I was abi? That's your business😂).

I explained to him how I needed data urgently, and how he had no other choice, other to provide me with a subscription plan that very day, clearly stating that how he would do it was not my business.

Should I be truthful guys?
After all my rants, I didn't get any sub o. No one asked if I needed, and the money to buy one didn't surface💔.

But something happened. Guess what?

While playing around with my phone later that day, I turned on my mobile data and boom! Whatsapp messages started rolling in. Too excited to realise I was connected to the world again, I ignored the reality of knowing how the data came about.

I immediately started replying messages and watching videos on the net.

Few minutes later, my dad who knew I didn't have an active data plan and had promised never buying me one asked how I was able to text friends on whatsapp.

Me not understanding how I was able to browse also responded him with; "Daddy I thought you transferred some mb to me.."

Then he suddenly gave that surprise look and said; "I never did, you had better check properly. I thought you confirmed your data had been exhausted last week. Or a boy recharged your line and you don't want me to know?"

Me: Ahnahn! Who still hides such secrets these days 😂

My dad, after laughing over my statement replied with; "but really, I didn't recharge your line."

At this point I was very confused. I was sure I had used up my data plan previously, and I was sure no one recharged my line. So, I decided to check out my data balance.

My worst mistake ever!!😭💔

Now, it's important for you to note that while all this was going on, I had totally forgotten the prayer request I had made earlier, about God providing a subscription plan for me that day,  anyhow.

Going on guys, I checked my data balance, and I discovered I had 0mb in my main data account; 0mb in my transferred data account and 0mb in my bonus data account (you guys know how 9mobile takes their time to break this stuffs down so you can just feel very bad 🙄).

In short, I was informed that I could dail a code if I wanted to enjoy browsing at 1k/s😂. Therefore my stories were true.

But how then did I get the magical data?
How was I able to browse?

So I decided to turn on my mobile data again to see if it really was going to work again.

But Lo and behold,
Somebody say lo and behold..

Say it much louder!!

Nothing worked again.😂😂😂💔

No Whatsapp message came in, no site loaded, no video downloaded.

It was then, I remembered my prayer request that morning!!!😭😭

It was then it occurred to me that I had permitted unbelief into my heart the moment I went searching for a supernatural miracle via human knowledge.

It was then I heard my instinct say;
"If only you had not taken your father's words to heart.."
"if only you had not dailed that code.."
"If only you had really believed your prayer request..."

Then I got the message. 

I prayed for a miracle but I believed it was going to emanate from an earthly source.

So here's the main reason for this story.

When we pray, let's cultivate the habit of actually believing that every word we pronounce will come to pass.

Let's be mindful of what we say and be expectant/sensitive to receive the results.

Let's ward off creatures or circumstances that might want to negate our prayer requests or cause a wind of unbelief in our hearts.

Always remember that at points where Jesus wanted to perform delicate miracles, he separated himself from the crowd (just so he will not infected​ by their unbelief).

This story might not make any sense to you, but it made so much sense to me that day, and it changed my perspective about prayer.

That would be all for now.

I hope we all enjoyed the story?

Well, if you didn't, I sincerely apologize. I'll do better next time😊.

But for now, please go back and read the story again till you've mastered every line there 😂.

I love you ❤


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