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Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself

Who wants to hear my life's story?

I've tried not to document anything on this year's lockdown experience, but I can't help it. It was an experience that shook everyone. Nations went helpless, governments went clueless, people got lifeless but God was potent. 

I remember living in fear at the very beginning, seeing the death records rise every minute in various countries and of course the shootings and robberies on the Nigerian streets. Staying indoor all day, and getting the news that people around were taken to isolation centres, weren't helpful either. I mean all of these got me afraid and I'm sure everyone else got frightened too.

I remember almost having a panic attack one evening after going to the bathroom to ask God various questions. Things got real and the only asset everyone was fighting for was life.

Now, there was an endsars protest which, oh my.. wasn't as productive as we all thought it would be and again, people went into hiding to preserve their lives. 

The beautiful thing is that in this experience, people got the opportunity to deal with so many internal issues and yes, I am people. People are me.

I can't explain guys, but I experienced God on a deeper and personal level. He became flesh and blood to me. He was so real that on one occasion I felt his presence right on the chair in my bedroom with his eyes on me, guarding me as I slept.

I realised that in the period of the crisis I began to loose myself. My doubts overshadowed my beliefs, and the self confidence I thought I had appeared false. I no longer believed in my judgements or abilities. It wasn't like all these surfaced during the pandemic, they were all in there already but the activities and the noises around didn't let me discover how deeply they had taken roots in me.

What's the purpose of this post?

It's to get us to look within. A lot of us (me inclusive), feel we weren't able to accomplish too many things this year. We look at our 11 months spent as not so fruitful but really guys, we accomplished alot.

I'm sure you've gotten used to hearing what I'm about to say, but the fact that you survived all that this year threw at you, and you still have dreams for the future shows that you had a fruitful year. The fact that you loved and prayed for more people this year shows that you lived a fruitful year. The fact that you saw the loopholes in your spiritual and emotional life and you struggled to work on them, is an evidence that your year was fruitful.

All I'm saying is, if you really look within, you'll realise that you achieved alot this year. You probably started a new business, or you rediscovered your identity in Christ.

So my dears, don't be too hard on yourselves. Don't be.

Make plans for the new year, and pray about them. Pray for clarity, pray for guidance, pray for the enabling power to execute those plans and don't stop praying, even after those plans have been implemented.

By the way, I graduated this year and I'm definitely grateful for it (now this is the real story I wanted to tell you guys but as you can see, another has taken over 😂). I will definitely share my testimony but maybe in my next article.

Just in case you're reading this, and you're discouraged about the educational system in the country, just know that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. Stand on God's promises for your academics and God will definitely free you from the hand of the wicked.

Ps: Ensure that you read my next article.

Till I write to you again, stay in Christ's love 😊❤️


  1. Such a beautiful piece.... Very true..... We have a lot to thank God for.. We escaped the killing hands of the pandemic, we also escaped the killing hands of the government... That's a lot from January to November... God has been marvelous to us....

    1. Yes my dear, He has been marvelous 🥺❤️


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